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Spotlight Series: Mariana Monteiro

Spotlight Series: Mariana Monteiro

For this Spotlight Series, we spoke with our friend Mariana Monteiro, mom-trepreneur (@PoderosasMáes) to hear how she spends her summers.


LBTC: What’s your favorite summer holiday?

PM: I admire the respect and honor Americans dedicate to their soldiers and country. As a foreigner (I’m a Brazilian living in California), I find it so inspiring! And now that we have a little American in our family, our baby Maya, we were so excited to celebrate her first 4th of July last month!

LBTC: What are some of your favorite summertime activities? 

PM: Picnics and smoothies at the park, bike rides until sunset, sand castles at the beach, and unicorns at the pool.

LBTC: Do you have any summer travel plans?

PM: Yes! We are planning to explore Big Sur and Highway 1. We did this trip with our daughter when she was 2 years old. Now we want to show everything to our new baby!

LBTC: What are your summer must haves? 

PM: A soft and thick towel for the pool days—we love the Cabana towels, they are soooo beautiful—and a round beach towel. They’re so Californian!

LBTC: What’s your favorite LBTC product and why? 

PM: We love it all, but the Mexican blankets are our little darlings. They are huge, comfy, and easy to clean. We take ours from playgrounds to the Disneyland parade.

Want more of our spotlight series? Check out our chats with Veena Crownholm and Kristin Reveles on their summer tips.