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Embracing the Burr Basket TikTok Trend with Laguna Beach Textile Co.'s Mexican Blanket

Embracing the Burr Basket TikTok Trend with Laguna Beach Textile Co.'s Mexican Blanket

The holiday season of 2023 witnessed a delightful and crafty trend taking over TikTok—enter the Burr Basket! This DIY project has become a viral sensation, with enthusiasts showcasing their creativity in transforming ordinary materials into stylish, handmade baskets. If you missed this trendy holiday moment, it's not too late to get in on the fun and use this gift as a great winter birthday present idea.

A photo of three iPhones showing TikTok screenshots of "Burr Baskets"
To fully embrace this TikTok sensation, consider incorporating the vibrant and artisanal touch of Laguna Beach Textile Co.'s Mexican blankets into your Burr Basket project. Crafted by skilled artisans in Tlaxcala, Mexico, these blankets not only contribute to the winter theme of your DIY creation but also bring a touch of cultural richness to your home decor. Combine this blanket with a candle, some cozy pajamas, a mug or cup and a gift card to the local coffee shop and you've done it!

A black Mexican blanket draped over a cream colored couch.