It's easy for the day-to-day to take us by storm—feels like you blink and it's been months. That's why we were excited to team up with a group of mindfulness experts in Ojai, California this summer to celebrate self-care and how we can all be a bit more present each day. Take a peak below to check out the event and maybe pick up a few tips to take home.
For three days Amy Tangerine (@amytangerine) and guests refocused their energies through mindfulness workshops, hands on trainings, and yoga practices (featuring our sustainable yoga mat towels).
Three of our biggest takeaways from the retreat:
1. You must make caring for your mind and body a priority.
2. Everyone's version of self-care looks different. For some, it is a yoga class or massage, while for others it is crafting or journaling.
3. Make sure you have the right products to bring wellness and self-care into your daily routine.

To get started, focus on your flow and forget the rest with one of our eco-friendly, antibacterial yoga mat towels.